Academic and Research Leadership Symposium
The Academic and Research Leadership (ARL) Symposium is co-located with the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Annual Convention. The ARL Symposium has two threads: (1) a faculty development thread, and (2) a research networking thread. The faculty development thread hosts workshops organized by members of the ARL network that strengthen and demystify fundamental components of academia. Past topics include: Obtaining a Faculty Position, The Ins and Outs of the Tenure Process, How to Write a Successful Proposal, How to Successfully Manage a Research Group, Strategies for Diversifying your Research Funding Portfolio. The researcher development and networking thread is critical to the goal of a self-sustaining ARL ecosystem. This year, topics will include Lessons Learned from Winning Grant Recipients, Creating a Thriving Research Enterprise: Developing a Research Agenda, and Moving Beyond Service: Engaging in Strategic Mentoring Relationships.
The ARL Symposium provides an opportunity for seasoned researchers (university, corporate, government) to nurture connections with their peers, and be excited and inspired by the latest discoveries and technical advances across many disciplines of engineering and science. Opportunities for new collaborations and strategic career advancements are anticipated. The researcher development and networking thread consists of a networking reception with a keynote presentation by a leader in the engineering field, a session on career development in an R&D centric environment, and a poster session organized by members of the ARL network for more in-depth technical discussions.